Relationship experts advise not to reject a second date even if the first one did not meet expectations, and sometimes the first date can go wrong because we are nervous, we have not hit the spot, or our heads are anywhere.
So how do you get a perfect first date? The Science for people portal has found the 10 essential keys for it, and best of all, they are proven by science so they should be proof of all kinds of disasters that may arise.
Ask Friends for Help
To make sure that you are presenting yourself as you really are, and it is that on many occasions through social networks people can have the wrong impression of us and when they meet us it is not what they expected. That is why the opinion of our friends about how we present ourselves abroad is essential, they will know if it is correct or not.
Go to the Right Places
The first thing we must take into account is the place of the appointment. No cinema, that should be clear by now. Normally we decide on dinner and a few drinks afterward if everything has gone well, however that is not the best option.
For this occasion, we can go to an interesting bar or cafeteria in the city. The reason for choosing these types of places is that they are informal enough not to increase the typical nerves of the moment, they are places where everyone is relaxed and we will be too.
Get On the Secure Platform Finding the Perfect One
If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times: keeping yourself safe is the best way to enjoy first dating, even before knowing him on the internet, you should be careful when messaging him, facetime to him… Dating sites like SugarDaddySeek took all problems into consideration, all sugar daddies on SugarDaddySeek are strictly verified by an AI system, including their income property, real person verifies and more, making sure you won’t come across a fake sugar daddy. While some of the responsibility for online dating safety rests with the individual (e.g., never meeting strangers alone, insisting on phone conversations and video conferencing before meeting, never transferring money to strangers, etc. ).
Conversation Is the Key
This is where we can fail the most if our nerves betray us. The worst thing we can do is talk about trivial matters or resort to the typical elevator conversation. It can happen to us, but if we want everything to go well, it is better to try to have a conversation about relatively important topics, about things that make us understand and get to know the other person better.
This does not mean that you have to talk about politics, in fact it is better never to mention that subject even if you have been with your partner for 50 years. But if you can’t think of anything, a Northwestern University study found 36 questions to win with.
Body Language
What we say with our body can be of great help or become our worst enemy. It is one of the things that can make someone seem less attractive than they are. Not to fail, science has proven that there are 3 infallible gestures to convey interest. The first is to subtly copy the other person’s body language, if they smile at us we smile at them, if they come closer we get closer…
In addition, we should always be facing ourselves, with nothing to sit down or cross our arms. From the front, with an open posture, making it clear that we are interested. And finally, the bow, if you are sitting facing each other the best way to show that we are comfortable is by leaning a little towards the other person, and the job is done.
Accept That You Will Not Have Everything in Common
Maybe you thought you would be 100% compatible, and when you started talking you realized that was not the case. This can turn many people off, or change their mood during the date and ruin it. That is why it is important to understand before going that there are probably not so many things in common, although that in many cases is precisely the best thing that cannot happen.
Dress Yourself to Look Fine
Clothes and perfume do a lot, but the key to your date not taking their eyes off you and feeling attracted to you is that you have self-confidence. For that, they advise us to do something that we know we are good at. It can be dancing, singing, showing our knowledge about something interesting…
Don’t Talk Only About Yourself
Do you want to make a good impression? So don’t talk about yourself continuously, ask the other person about her, her likes, her interests, etc. This way she will also want to know more about you and she will see you with different eyes. There is nothing more attractive than a person who wants to get to know you better.
Consider Past Experiences
You learn from mistakes and here too. Surely more than one date has gone wrong for you, so so that the experience does not repeat itself, we can think about what it was that we did not do so well or what we can improve so that the next ones go better. This coupled with the tips above should lead you to the perfect date.
And If In the End, Things Don’t Work Out…
Don’t worry, they are things that happen and sometimes even if we do everything possible to make everything go well, there are factors that we cannot control and that can play an important role in this. The important thing is to keep going and not give up.