Not all women of reproductive age necessarily suffer from menstrual cramps every month. But most experience, at least, unpleasant sensations of varying degrees of intensity. Some of them, on some days of the cycle – usually in the first two to three days – develop quite pronounced spasms that interfere with their usual lifestyle. The units of pain are so strong that they are not able to do anything at all at this time. In this article, we will guide you about what can be done to reduce menstrual pain.
Causes Of Menstrual Pain
What exactly is menstruation? This is the reaction of the endometrium lining the uterus to a drop in the level of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Endometrial cells are very sensitive to a decrease in the concentration of progesterone while they secrete hydrolytic enzymes.
The cause of menstrual pain is actually spasmodic contractions of the uterus, which women feel as cramping and pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. As a result, women often suffer from headaches, nausea, and even fainting.
How To Relieve Menstrual Pain?
So what can you do to relieve your menstrual pain?
1. Drink More Water
No matter how illogical it may sound, but during your period, you need to drink more fluids. If the body believes that it is at risk of dehydration, it will accumulate more water in the tissues. So hydration is a must to relieve cramping. You can add lemon juice and a sprig of mint to the water. Also, on the days of menstruation, you should reduce salt intake as salty food contributes to dehydration.
2. Refrain From Alcohol Consumption
We all know that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to a person’s health and can even be deadly. Still, many people keep consuming this intoxicating drink, ignoring its harmful effects. It’s hard for those addicted to alcohol to give it up during menstruation days. However, it leads to prolonged pain and cramps.
If this is not enough reason to quit alcohol, know that alcohol abuse can lead to irregular and skipped periods. It’s a common problem faced by several women in the US, especially in Rhode Island. Thus, if you want to get rid of all these problems, you must refrain from drinking alcohol.
Getting help from a nearby rehab center can help you quit alcohol. So you must find nearby rehab centers in Rhode Island if you are residing there. However, if you don’t live there, don’t worry; there are hundreds of rehab centers in the US that can help.
3. Refusal From Coffee
During menstruation, it is better to refuse any caffeinated drinks, as it increases cramps, which means it makes menstruation more painful. However, you should remember that caffeine can be found not only in coffee but also in energy drinks, chocolate, and even in tea.
4. Use Medicines And Herbal Decoctions
If the pain is severe enough, then you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. However, you can go the other way – to reduce uterine spasms with antispasmodics – drugs that relieve spasms of smooth muscles (drotaverine, for example).
In all cases, you should carefully read the instructions, do not exceed the dosage of medicines, and follow the doctor’s recommendations. Moreover, to reduce menstrual pain, you can use herbal decoctions and infusions. The list of herbs that can be used for these purposes includes chamomile, mint, and nettle.
5. Use A Heating Pad
Menstrual cramps can be relieved with a heating pad. There is a rich selection of heating pads today, from electric blankets or sheets to rechargeable heating pads. If there are no heating pads at home at all, you can pour hot water into a regular plastic bottle and use it as a heating pad. A warm bath (but not a hot one) has the same effect.
6. Don’t Skip Physical Activity
Some women cancel their workouts during their period. In fact, physical activity can reduce menstrual cramps. Exercise accelerates the blood; the muscles become more elastic – including those that make up the uterus.
Therefore, its contractions after a good workout are perceived as less painful. In addition, intense training leads to the production of endorphins – pleasure hormones that reduce pain and give a person a feeling of joy and euphoria.
We add that modern hygiene products make it possible not to cancel training during menstruation, even when it comes to the pool. But it is better to refuse strength exercises in the first couple of days of menstruation, as they increase bleeding.
7. Massage Abdominal Region
During menstruation, massage should be approached thoughtfully. For example, intensive abdominal massage is contraindicated as it increases bleeding. But a circular massage of the abdomen without pressure in a clockwise direction with smooth movements reduces spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus.
Besides, it also relaxes the tense muscles of the abdominal region and thereby distracts from pain and relieves it. A gentle lumbar massage also works well. If no person nearby could do it, you can use a couple of tennis balls for self-massage.
You should place them under the back at the level of the lower ribs and gently roll back and forth on them, flexing the back muscles. You can also rub creams with essential oils of lavender, sage, and marjoram into the skin of the abdomen during the massage – they also give a slight analgesic effect.
When To See A Doctor?
A visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled if:
- The pain during menstruation is so severe that you have to lie down in bed and skip work.
- Severe pains last more than 2-3 days.
- Pain appeared only during the last menstruation, and before that, there were practically no pains.
- Menstruation has become noticeably more abundant and prolonged, and between them, “daub” is regularly observed.
- Painkillers don’t help at all.
Take Away
Menstrual pain can be of severe inconvenience for many women, and several factors can aggravate it. We mentioned some effective ways that can help you relieve menstrual pain and have healthy periods. So follow these rules from today!