We’ve been battling the pandemic for almost two years now and yet, many countries still record a high number of positive cases. It’s difficult to tackle something that can’t be seen. This is why the government mandates the citizens to regularly wash their hands and practice social distancing to avoid contact with the virus.
The Virus
Coronavirus can be transmitted through droplets when a positive Covid person sneezes or coughs. These droplets stay on surfaces when excreted. Although the exact hours the virus can survive outside the human body is still not yet determined, it usually stays on the surface for hours. If someone touches the contaminated surface and then puts their hands in their mouths or rubs their eyes, possibly the virus can be transmitted to that person. This is why it is really necessary to disinfect surfaces especially spaces where people usually stay like offices and public spaces.
There are actually minimum standards for proper disinfection and cleaning. It usually depends on the type of facility.
Companies have an ample supply of cleaning agents like soap, detergents, bleach, sanitizers, and disinfectants that they provide to their utility workers whenever they do disinfection.
Simple Ways to Prevent the Spread of Covid
Disinfection is not the sole responsibility of utility workers. Regular employees can actually contribute even in just simple ways like cleaning their own workspace, sanitizing before entering the office, and disinfecting their shoes by stepping into the sanitizing footbath mat. Simple tasks like these can effectively disrupt the transmission of the virus.
Types of Cleaning
There are two methods that a company practices in cleaning their offices. Regular cleaning is the typical kind. The pandemic gave way to the second one which is the deep cleaning.
a. Regular Cleaning
Offices should clean regularly to create a conducive environment for employees which further increases labor productivity. This has become the routine of companies even before the pandemic happens. Sweeping the floor, dusting off computers, taking the trash out are just common tasks in cleaning the office. Unfortunately, with the Coronavirus this type of cleaning isn’t enough to kill the viruses that stay in surfaces. This now gave way to a new method which is deep cleaning.
b. Deep Cleaning
The government advises companies to practice deep cleaning with the virus threatening people’s lives and futures. Deep cleaning now includes sanitization and disinfection of every surface that people come into contact with such as couches, computer keyboards, mouse, tables, bullpens, biometrics, and everything in the pantry. Deep cleaning must be done on a regular basis. Sanitizing is done whenever someone enters the office.
How Often Do You Need to Disinfect the Office?
Government offices usually take a day off weekly to give way for disinfection especially since they cater to the public. This type of disinfection includes misting/fumigation. Along with that, their utility workers are required to clean, sanitize and disinfect every morning, before office hours starts and afternoon, when office hours have officially ended. This is the everyday routine an office can practice to prevent the spread of coronavirus among employees and clients.
However, things change when someone inside the office gets covid positive. Intense and more frequent disinfection is necessary to kill the virus that possibly stayed on surfaces inside the office. Companies might even need the help of other companies that offer to mist which is the most commonly used and effective killing of the virus. Misting can kill viruses contained in the four corners of the room even those that are hidden and in difficult-to-reach places. A lockdown of the office building can even happen to fully contain the virus and kill it. The virus can’t be seen with naked eyes so rigorous disinfection is really necessary.
Schedule Disinfection
It is advisable to have a monthly planner as to when disinfection would take place. Every month the company will schedule a day or two to give way to fog. During these days a work-from-home setup will be employed so that the company would still run even if the office is locked for disinfection.
Creating a schedule can help the company track disinfection days and not miss them. It can also help the employees prepare for that day, especially the utility workers who would carry out this task.
The company can also include detailed disinfection in their plan when someone inside the office gets Covid positive. Include disinfection in the company’s Contingency and Business Continuity Plan.
Remember that fighting Covid should be a joint effort among employees, the company, and the clients. Selfishness isn’t encouraged during this difficult time. Sanitize and disinfect to save yourself and the people around you.